Minggu, 08 September 2013

Materi Announcement

Materi Announcement
Announcement artinya adalah Pengumuman, fungsi dari announcement ini biasa nya digunakan untuk mengumumkan sesuatu yang ingin di beritahukan kepada orang lain
Susunan dari Announcement :
1.       Judul Pengumuman (The Tittle of Anouncement)
2.       Hari,Tanggal dan Waktu (Day, Date and Time)
3.       Tempat (Place)
4.       Orang yang bisa dihubungi secara lanjut (Contact Person)
1. Tujuan adanya announcement :
Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
To Announce
Untuk Mengumumkan
To Informations
Untuk Memberi tahukan Informasi
To Know For The Reader and The Lisener.
Untuk Pembaca dan Pendengar

Contoh dari Announcement :
Announcement itu bisa di sampaikan dengan 2 cara,
Secara Lisan (Spoken Announcement) atau Secara Tertulis (Written Announcement)

Contoh Spoken Announcement :

Your Attention, Please !!
Tomorrow we will celebrate anniversary of our school. So, prepare the school for tomorrow.
Thank you.

Contoh Written Announcement :

To All Student of SMAN 2 Palangkaraya
Tomorrow is anniversary of our school. We will make many activities. Please don't late tomorrow. Event will be held on :
Date : Monday, 17 April 2012
Place : SMAN 2 Palangkaraya 
Thanks for your attention
Berikut Ini adalah Contoh dari Announcement
Berikut Ini adalah Soal dari Announcement di samping
To : All Member Of School Sciens Club.
Dear Member
The Regular meeting our school science club will be every monday and wednesday, at the physics laboratory after school.
The Agenda of this meeting is finallising the research report.
Ps : Please come on time
Chair Person
1. The Text above is toannouncement …… to the member of the school sciencs club.

2. Where Does the meeting take place ….

3.” The agenda of this meeting is Finallizing the Research Report. The Underline Word Means ..

Jawaban dari Soal di atas :

1. The Regular Meeting.
2. At the physics laboratory.
3. Finising